Gympie Hosting for Wordpress Hosting in Gympie.


FREE SSL SSL Certification for Client Websites

Powered by Let’s Encrypt Certificate Authority, Gympie Hosting is now providing FREE SSL certification for our client websites.

FREE SSL Hosting at Gympie Hosting


Why do you need SSL?

The internet is steadily moving towards the secure HTTPS as a default protocol. The SSL certificates are no longer only for sites that accept sensitive data like credit card information or login details. Having an SSL installed on your site is now a factor for the search engine ranking and provides your visitors with an additional layer of security (avoiding the question of “is this a scam website”).

What does SSL provide?

Secure access to your website when using HTTPS. All traffic between your website and it’s visitors will be encrypted.

Free SSL Hosting at Gympie Hosting


[expand title=”WHAT IS AN SSL CERTIFICATE?”]Today’s Internet users are savvy about online security. Before completing a transaction or sharing personal information with you, online visitors need to know that your website can be trusted. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates provide a visual indicator (Usually a green padlock in the address bar) that your website is legitimate and secure. Some browsers (Chrome) may display your website as “Not Secure” if you do not have an SSL Certificate installed. To remove this warning you will need a certificate.  [/expand]

[expand title=”WHY DO I NEED AN SSL CERTIFICATE?”]Security and trust is essential when you’re operating an online business. Your visitors need to know they can trust you and that their data will be safe. By installing an SSL Certificate on your website you’ll be encrypting anything sent or received from your server over HTTPS, such as personal data or payment data. This means even if someone is monitoring the network, they’ll not be able to read what’s been sent.

[expand title=”HOW DOES AN SSL CERTIFICATE WORK?”]The end-user’s browser requests a secure channel (via “https:”) from the server, and then – if the server has an SSL Certificate – the browser and the server negotiate their highest common encryption strength (e.g., 256-bits) and exchange the corresponding encryption keys (this exchange is normally done using 2048-bit encryption strength). The 256-bit encryption key is then used for this particular instance of SSL, for all from-to exchanges between the browser and the server. The next https session will have a new session key.

The SSL Certificate guarantees the security of the connection between the browser and the server.

[expand title=”HOW DO I INSTALL THE CERTIFICATE?”]The Let’s Encrypt free SSL Certificate will be installed for you automatically overnight once your account has been created.You can check your website by using the HTTPS protocol to visit your website

[expand title=”WHY DOES MY WEBSITE SHOW AS INSECURE?”]If you are using the HTTPS protocol and the server has an SSL certificate installed, you may have insecure content on your web page. You can visit this site ( to check what content on your website is insecure.

2. Reset your website links to all use the HTTPS protocol if absolute OR use relative links.
3. In Worpdress, reset your Worpress Address and Site Address to HTTPS and review all links especially images and scripts to ensure correct HTTPS protocol is used
4. Add your HTTPS website into the Google Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools) to notify Google of the site change to maintain site indexing.

For existing clients, we offer discounted website development services to implement the changes necessary to your website and Google Search Console updates to maximise HTTPS compliance.

Comnatc Allan on for more information

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