Web Site Hosting – Terms & Conditions
Gympie Hosting is a service provide by www.cooloolabusiness.com. At Cooloolabusiness.com, we have established requirements for hosting your website to meet statutory requirements and our ethical standards. We reserve the right to:
- decline hosting of any site that does not meet these standards; and
- to terminate any account without refund where the hosted site violates these terms and conditions.
Gympie Website Hosting Requirements
- Hosting accounts are not to be used for any illegal purposes including those outlined by the Australian Government.
- Hosting accounts are not to be used to publicly disseminate or transmit racist, sexist or otherwise offensive or dangerous material as defined by the Australian Government.
- Any hosting accounts for a website that contains data deemed by cooloolabusiness.com to be offensive or not appropriate for children will not be hosted on our servers.
- Hosting accounts are not to be used for the purposes of spamming, mass mailing, the distribution of unsolicited mail or the making of fraudulent offers.
- All standard hosting service accounts are for 12 month periods. If during this period a customer cancels their account they will not receive any refund. Customers cannot put their accounts on “hold” or “delay”. All accounts are to be paid to cooloolabusiness.com by their due date. Where payment is not received by the due date, the account will be suspended and all remaining data will be deleted after 7 days. Tax invoices will be emailed to the email address provided by the customer at the time of initial hosting and account renewal. Paper Invoices will be provided when requested by the customer.
- We may introduce monthly hosting packages by subscription using Paypal. All subscription services must be kept paid in advance. Accounts will be terminated withing 7 dys of a Paypal subscription payment failure.
- On account cancellation or termination, international domains registered by cooloolabusiness.com on behalf of clients remain valid until expiry unless cancelled at the request of the client. Where a client wishes to retain a domain, payment of the relevant domain renewal feel is required to transfer the domain to the client. Where payment is not made, Cooloolabusiness.com may place advertising on the domain or re-use the domain to recover these costs.
- All information provided by the customer to cooloolabusiness.com must be correct and accurate and the Queensland Police and Federal Government have the right to requisition such information pursuant to State and Federal Law.
- cooloolabusiness.com is not responsible for errors of any type.
- Customers will be held responsible and accountable for any activity by third parties, using their account that violates guidelines created within these Terms and Conditions.
- cooloolabusiness.com has the right to determine if a link off its server is acceptable.
- Customers are restricted from uploading individual files larger than 20 MB in size to restrict the large percentage of illegal material that occurs over this size limit.
- cooloolabusiness.com offers “basic technical support” at our discretion for budget and standard accounts. Premium managed accounts have full technical support
- cooloolabusiness.com will monitor all files on its servers to detect breaches of these Terms and Conditions. Breaches will be dealt with accordance with these Terms and Conditions with illegal data being reported to the proper authorities.
- cooloolabusiness.com is not responsible for any files found on our servers, which were uploaded by a customer.
- cooloolabusiness.com reserves the right to refuse service to any customer where it is considered that the requested hosting service is not in the best interest of our network and of our existing clients.
- Backups of websites are the responsibility of the client. It is always good practice to have a backup of your web site and cooloolabusiness.com will undertake a backup of your site data upon your email request. In the event that a server hard drive crashed (which has never happened), we cannot guarantee that we would be able to restore all your data (no web host can), and it is best that you have a backup just in case.Note: we maintain original files for all websites designed by cooloolabusiness.com and Gympie Websites for backup/restoration purposes (as all good design firms should).
- Payment for hosting services confirms that you have read and agree to accept these Terms and Conditions which are publicly available on our website. We reserve the right to revise, amend, or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time as required to meet our legal obligations and to guarantee the integrity of our network for all clients.
Clients agree not to utilise our Hosting Services for any activities that:
- constitute or encourage a violation of any applicable law or regulation, including but not limited to the sale of illegal goods or obscenity laws,
- defame, impersonate or invade the privacy of any third party or entity,
- infringe the rights of any third party, including but not limited to the intellectual property, business, contractual or fiduciary rights of others,
- involve the display, sale, distribution or creation of any pornographic, adult images/content, obscene or otherwise offensive goods, services, material or ideas or promote violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age,
- modify any cooloolabusiness.com notices or scripts without obtaining prior written consent from cooloolabusiness.com,
- provide mirroring service for other web sites,
- the primary purpose is non-http compatible file distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of the following file types: .arj, .mp3, .exe, .tar, .rar, or .zip,
- are in any way connected with trolling, mailbombing, IRC Bots, Game-emulators, ROMs or the transmission of junk mail, spam, the unsolicited mass distribution of e-mail or with any unethical marketing practices,
- infringe copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or intellectual property right including the distribution or posting of warez, roms, mp3’s, mpegs etc.
- maintain or provide an image archive or collection for display,
- misuse network resources in a manner which impairs network performance.
- use an email box exclusively as a storage space for data, which includes a mailbox exceeding 50 MB or the trasmission of emails larger than 5 MB. Note: Online services like www.mailbigfile.com are much more efficient at sending large files than using email.
Any hosting account found to be in violation of any of these Terms and Conditions of Hosting will be deleted from our servers and the hosting account may be cancelled without notice or refund.